Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey that requires constant growth and development. Building resilience, personal development, and exploring purpose are among the topics I target when looking for life-changing books. These life-changing books provide practical advice and indirect strategies for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life. Whether you are struggling with addiction or not, these books will help. Being a helper of people and a seeker of knowledge, books are a large part of my story. I am a firm believer in the fact that knowledge is power. These books prove that to be accurate.
The following is a list of the fifty-eight best personal development books, which I found to be inspiring and to offer practical advice and strategies for those of us in addiction recovery as well as those that are not. Every single book that made this list was a game-changer for me. They are in no particular order because I found each to be equally important for different reasons. Most are available on Audible, and all are available on Amazon. You can click the image or the title to be brought to a page for purchase. If you use my link, I may receive a small commission, which allows me to continue to create great content and costs nothing to you.
My Life-Changing Books List
Living in the present moment is the key to avoiding being consumed by addiction. Eckhart Tolle offers practical techniques for achieving inner peace and serenity. By focusing on the present moment, we can overcome negative thoughts and emotions that can lead to addiction. Like, for real. The Power of Now is a must-read for those of us on the path to recovery and anyone else who is a seeker of truth. Religion and spirituality are different things. Honestly, I often refer to them as opposites. Spirituality is truth, and you know how I feel about truth. #truthtime Honorable Mentions: A New Earth and Living a Life of Inner Peace.
Check Out
Dr. Steven Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Conference
Dr. Greer has dedicated the last thirty years of his life voluntarily to collecting the overwhelming evidence presented to Congress this week regarding secret black ops, extra-terrestrial programs, our government, and everything that has been kept from the public. He has collected the testimonies of over 736 high-ranking government officials and other reputable citizens. The Pentagon has been ordered to comply. You can check out the whole conference below. He has gotten us this far, and now it’s our turn to give back for his grandkids and for ours.
Vulnerability is often viewed as a weakness, but it can be used to build resilience and overcome addiction. Brené Brown explores the concept of vulnerability and how it can be used as a tool for growth. By embracing imperfection, we can learn from our mistakes and use them as a tool for personal growth. I fell in love with Brene Brown after watching her Ted Talk on The Power of Vulnerability. She is AMAZING! I could listen to her talk for days. She seems really down to earth, and I like that a lot. Honorable Mentions: Dare to Lead, The Gifts of Imperfection, and Rising Strong. All of her content is fantastic.
This book is a classic in the field of personal development. It offers practical advice on cultivating positive habits and behaviors that can help you overcome addiction and succeed in all areas of your life. The seven habits outlined in this book are: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw. This book is a must-read for those of us who are sick of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
4. Mindset by Carol Dweck 4.6
Carol Dweck explains how our mindset shapes our attitudes toward various aspects of life, including education, relationships, sports, and business. Through numerous examples and studies, she demonstrates how the growth mindset leads to greater resilience, motivation, and achievement. She also highlights the damaging effects of a fixed mindset, such as a fear of judgment, a limited sense of potential, and a lack of fulfillment growth mindset is essential for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life.
This book offers a thought-provoking exploration of human potential and the power of our beliefs. It challenges us to reflect on our own mindset and consider the ways in which it may be limiting our personal and professional growth. Carol Dweck’s work provides a compelling argument for embracing a growth mindset, inspiring individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve greater success and fulfillment in all areas of life, which is perfect for those of us in recovery because it’s kinda exactly what most of us are trying to do.
It’s no secret that Dr. Joe Dispenza is a large part of my journey to recovery. It was one of his YouTube videos that changed the direction of my life. Just keep an open mind because this is exactly what the Doctor ordered (pun intended). I call him the science behind the Law of Attraction. Joe Dispenza teaches us how to eliminate old habits and ways of thinking completely. I often say, “if you don’t believe, you don’t receive.”
Joe Dispenza introduces us to the idea of the “quantum self” – a version of ourselves that exists beyond our current limitations. He explores the concept of mindfulness and meditation as powerful tools for shifting our awareness and accessing our potential. By letting go of old beliefs and embracing new possibilities, we can transform our lives and manifest our desires.
This offers a profound understanding of the mind-body connection and the potential for personal growth and transformation. I read it after watching everything I could find on YouTube. It hooked me by challenging me to take responsibility for my own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and further empowered me to create the life I truly desired by making me see that it was a very real possibility with very little physical effort on my part but a HUGE mental and emotional effort. It was just what I needed when I needed it.
This book serves as a roadmap for breaking free from old patterns (addictions/behaviors), unlocking our potential, and living a more fulfilling and authentic life which, as I said, is just what the doctor ordered for those of us in recovery. It provides practical exercises and techniques to help us break free from our old habits. He guides us through meditation practices, visualizations, and affirmations that enable us to tap into our subconscious mind and reprogram it for positive change.
Joe Dispenza emphasizes the importance of consistency, dedication, and self-discipline in the process of personal transformation. It sounds like a tall order now, but in long-term recovery, we tend to have a NEED to be better. I do, anyways. Just go into it with an open mind and watch the transformation begin. Honorable Mentions: You Are the Placebo and Becoming Supernatural. All of Joe Dispenza’s books are fire. He has amazing meditations too.
6. E² By Pam Grout 4.4
This book was a game changer for me because it includes nine actionable steps or “energy experiments” that prove consciousness trumps matter. In other words, thoughts become things. This involves nine 48-hour experiments that prove the universe is on our side. If you are skeptical, please just humor me. You won’t regret it. I have gifted this book to at least four people, all of which have changed the direction of their lives in very positive ways. Pam Grout also has an E-Cubed, which is a sequel to this one, which makes it onto my honorable mention list.
I have also encouraged many of my clients just to do the first exercise, and I’ve got to say I have yet to be disappointed. Thank you, Universe and Pam Grout!
Another complete game-changer. New York Times Best Seller. Gabby Bernstein is in recovery and has a beautiful life. A life beyond her wildest dreams. She shares practical steps for sliding into spiritual practice, clear guidance, mindfulness, and many other ways to align with the universe and make all of your dreams come true.
Since the release of this book, she has written at least one more best seller and has manifested everything she was aiming for while writing this book. I subscribe to her newsletter, which is one of the few I open. Honorable Mentions: Spirit Junkie, The Universe Has Your Back, and Miracles Now. She is truly an inspiration. We all know how difficult it can be to make your recovery an open book. (Again, pun intended.)
New York Times Best Seller. Mike Dooley teaches us how to tap into our true spiritual nature to live a wonder, joyous, and happiness-filled life. This book explores and shares how powerful we truly are and what happens when we finally realize it. Mike Dooley shares that we are beings with infinite possibilities. I love Mike Dooley’s tone. You can just tell he is a pragmatic guy that stumbled on a faith-based experience, and I love it.
Dr. Wayne Dyer (May he rest in peace) is one of my favorite authors, and he got that title after I read this book. He has a beautiful writing style that makes everything seem profound and beautiful. Wayne knows that with God, all things are possible. We learn his technique for retraining your subconscious mind, how to connect and stay connected to our God Source Energy, and he teaches us in detail how to be our best and highest selves and how to live our best and highest lives.
Wayne passed away in 2015, I believe but don’t quote me, and he lived his best and highest life for sure. He inspired millions, including me. RIP, Wayne Dyer.
Honorable Mentions: Change Your Thoughts- Change Your Life, The Power of Intention, and The Shift. These books left me speechless and very motivated.